25th July 2012
Mr. _._. Rajarathnam
452/10, Talpawala
Dear Sir
Re: Domestic Inquiry
We write further to our Show Cause letter dated 07th May 2012, your reply thereto dated 1st June 2012.
Further, to the domestic inquiry held at the _______ Salko (Pvt) Ltd. the independent inquiry officer has found you guilty of all the charges preferred against you by our letter dated 07th May 2012.
In view of the serious nature of the allegations preferred against you, more particularly the fact that your conduct has not been in the best interest of the _______ Salko (Pvt) Ltd. _______ Salko (Pvt) Ltd confirms the decision notified with letter dated 01st April 2012 and do not exted your fixed yerm contract dated 01st April 2008.
Yours faithfully,
_______ Salko (Pvt) Ltd.
Mr. Asthika Dewendra
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